AIR RETAIL is an item level RFID encoding, monitoring and auditing solution. It is based on UHF RFID and allows distant reading of item level tags for purposes like Inventory count, item search and auditing. It provides faster data acquisition of products.
RFID is similar to barcode. Barcodes can only be read one at a time and need line of site. RFID tags does not need line of sight, many can be read within a box at the same time, and they have individual numbers providing serialization.
The retail RFID solution provides item level visibility in the supply chain and in the store.
The Returns of Investment by using RFID in RETAIL are:
Giving patron the ability to purchase product without the need for staff intervention. Barcodes are used in supermarkets for Self Checks but do not have security. The RFID Self Service units deactivate the security, the gates keep track of all items as the pass security alarming the gate when an item is not paid. The Self Service option is the same as the existing Self Service product in Libraries bit with the payment integrated into the Self Service machine.
RFID Handheld can stock take 10,000 items in an hour. Typical stock takes only count a quantity of a stock number. RFID stock takes count individual items, so if an item is missing we know not only that one of the quantity is missing, but which one and where it was in the supply chain.
Lost stock can result in missed sales. Searching for missing items at 2 meters with Handheld search function.
Security gates are wide span allowing for openings of 2-8 meters.
Domino effect of these improvements includes
Electronic article surveillance (EAS) is a technological method for preventing shoplifting from retail stores or pilferage of books from libraries.
EAS is now being replaced by the RFID tags containing PSF bit.